Sponsorship Opportunity’s
Throughout 2023 we have a number of annual events that we need your help with.
Being a small charity, we simply don’t have the money to reach a wider audience.
When you sponsor one of our events all money goes into promotion of that event with means you company name is associated with us.
One Punch Awareness Week 18th - 22rd Sept 2023
Now in its 6th year and is growing year on year, the whole ideal is simply to grow awareness of One Punch assaults and ABI.
We will be doing different events across the UK to grow awareness
Sponsorship is £595.00 with four places available your company logo with be used on all promotional material and used on social media when promoting our event.
Pier to Pier to Pier 9th July 2023
In its 9th Year
Sponsored bike ride from Roker Pier to South Shields Pier and back approx. 14.4 miles
Sponsorship is £75.00 with four places available your company logo with be used on all promotional material and used on social media when promoting our event.
Cupcake Friday 3rd November 2023
Now in its 4th year
This is a fundraising event were the public hold there know event selling cupcake its as simply as that.
Sponsorship is £80.00 with two places available your company logo with be used on all promotional material and used on social media when promoting our event.
Punched Out Cold 01/12/2023 – 31/12/2023
Our biggest campaign to date and our very first event we ran alongside Durham Police,
Each the campaign has gone from strength with more and more police forces across the UK joining in and using the same poster, but not just the police its also Pubs and other public places that display our poster 2019 saw the poster used in wales and translated into welsh the hashtag was used on social media over 2.1 million times.
Sponsorship is £795.00 with two places available your company logo with be used on all promotional material and used on social media when promoting our event.
Email Us : partnership@onepunch.org.uk