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One Punch Awareness Week

18th-22th September 2023


Hastag's for the week



Supported By

We are doing many activities and fundraising event throughout the week and will working alongside many different organisations, other charity’s within local communities.

We are asking all schools, workplaces to take part in our Awareness Week by allowing the children to wear a non-uniform or something Red or Blue on Friday Friday 22nd September and to pay £1 to take part 100% of the donation goes direct to One Punch.    

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How to get Involved


Fundraising ideas

It's not too late to host your own Wear Red Day! Here are some ideas to help you make it the reddest yet!

- Host a red and Blue bake sale! Open a stand for your delicious treats 
- Go on a sponsored walk wear Red and Blue 
- Simply wear Red or Blue or both, it's really that easy.

Red /Blue tie, red socks, red scarf, red hat... or maybe all of them together!

Whatever you do, have fun!


We are asking all schools, workplaces to take part in our Awareness Week by allowing the children to wear a non-uniform or something Red or Blue on Friday 22nd September and to pay £1 to take part 100% of the donation goes direct to One Punch.    

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